It’s about the journey,
not the destination


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Meet Berké.

Human Being.

As a leader in personal and organizational behavior-transformation, Berké has dedicated himself to the pursuit of human empowerment.

Pulling from his awarded UC Berkeley research on internal motivation and behavior modification, and his years of experience as an organizational change consultant, executive performance coach, and lifestyle business owner, he continues to create compelling programs and workshops that empower businesses and individuals to live from the inside out. His Mission to...

"mass produce empowered, fulfilled & effective human beings." 

...To him, life is an art to be mastered not by force or perfection, but rather by clarity of purpose, authentic expression, and human connection.   

... this is The Art of Living.

The Courses

Berké has customized several different types of courses to get you aligned with the life that was meant for you.

Bullet Proof Morning

Learn more ➝

Art of Living: Self-Paced

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Art of Living: Mastermind

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"Learning from his e-book "Bullet Proof Morning" gave me the tools and habits I needed to refine my routine in a way that works for me and my family. It's been a game changer."


"If you feel like you're stuck and have tried everything, I promise you this is the class to take! The energy and confidence that Berké brings to each lesson is contagious."

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